Annual Wolfson Alumni picnic

Date and Time


Sheep Meadow, Central Park
1802 65th Street Transverse, 1802 E 65th St, New York, NY, 10065

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Wolfson College alums are gathering for a family-friendly picnic at Sheep Meadow (Central Park, western side just north of the 65th Street transverse road) on Saturday 7/27 from 12.30pm to 3pm.   Bring your own lunch and snacks to share.   Non Wolfson alums also welcome.


For same day contact George J. Bonilla: (203) 410 0859

Booking Information


About the location


Date and Time


Sheep Meadow, Central Park
1802 65th Street Transverse, 1802 E 65th St, New York, NY, 10065

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